Journalist, who is dealing with films.
Person whose profession is to review a work.
Examples for "film critic"
Examples for "film critic"
1It has become something of a fashion, said film critic Ugur Vardan.
2He was also a film critic whose skills were acknowledged by rivals.
3The film critic Barry Norman has died at the age of 83.
4However, for your average film critic, it means many age-inappropriate movies.
5Ao Scott has been New York Times film critic since 2000.
1Simon Morris invites two fellow-critics to discuss the role of the movie reviewer.
2RNZ movie reviewer Sarah McMullan was at the midnight screening.
3The glamour and power of being television's most influential -with on-screenpartner Gene Siskel - movie reviewer.
4New York Times movie reviewer A.O.
5Once in a Very Blue Moon by Nanci Griffith and has been chosen by RNZ movie reviewer, Dan Slevin.
1And film reviewer Sarah McMullan gives her verdict of the much anticpated movie.
2Miles Buckingham, film reviewer shares some football releases in time for the World Cup.
3Our film reviewer Dr Richard Swainson reviews Eye in the Sky and The Boss.
4Our regular film reviewer Richard Swainson with an update on how the Oscars are proceeding.
5Our film reviewer Richard Swainson has been to see the new Tarantino movie The Hateful Eight.
6Our film reviewer Dr Richard Swainson was been to see 10 Cloverfield Lane and Crossing Rachmaninoff.
7Our film reviewer, Dr Richard Swainson, has been to see Steve Jobs and The Danish Girl.
8She was the film reviewer for NBC's Today show from 1964 to 1973.
9Of course, a film reviewer should try and grasp the dynamics of a film genre before embarking on a critique.
10Reporter Brooke Jenner gauged the mood of fans, and RNZ film reviewer Dan Slevin joins us with his hot takes.
11First, there's Claire, an attractive film reviewer in her early 30s who's been in&out of a dozen relationships&is now available again.
12Alex won the Canon Award for opinion writer (humour) last year, and is a film reviewer for the New Zealand Herald.
13And What she said: The art of Pauline Kael is a documentary about the life and opinions of the former New Yorker film reviewer.
14Actors, directors, fellow critics and the US president have paid tribute to the eminent American film reviewer Roger Ebert, who has died aged 70.
15So, perfect timing for award-winning comedy writer (and former Hot Press film reviewer) Graham Linehan to launch his Bad Film Club online.
16Graeme Tuckett is best known as a film reviewer, but his day job is looking after the crews on major local film and TV productions.
Translations for film reviewer